5 Little Things in Makeup That Bring Me Joy

Emily Noel’s video (below) inspired me to do this post. She did this quite a while ago and I have wanted to do this for a while now but never got around to doing it. I urge you to watch the video because it really does preface this entire post.

These do not actually help makeup application but are happy triggers; some kind of simple joy that emanates every time it is realised.

Some of you may go, owh yeaaaaa while nodding your heads, some of you may not. 😛 Either way, do enjoy this light-hearted post!


1. Soft brushes

Don’t you just love the way soft brushes feel on your face? Every time I open my makeup storage, I have this urge to pick up my softest brush and just run it on the back of my hand to appreciate its softness. The softest brush I have has to be my The Body Shop blusher brush. So soft!!!

The bristles up-close.


2. Scented lip products

I will, occasionally, just pick up my Collection Cream Puff or my NYX SMLC, open it and just take a whiff of that delicious cupcake scent. Sometimes that can be the very purchase trigger, the whole reason you make that decision to buy!


3. Frosted glass foundation bottles

I love the feeling of touching frosted glass. Something about the matte surface gives it a luxurious feeling, more so if its a frosted glass foundation bottle. Some examples are the Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation and the Marc Jacobs’ foundation. The one I own is the Sephora Collection 10 HR Wear foundation.


4. Sample size products.

There’s something about tiny samples that I love! Miniature makeup; what’s not to love about miniature makeup!!??? I have sample size Tarte and Too Faced mascaras and also a Benefit Pore-fessional primer (picture not attached).


5. First sight of the pan

As opposed to Emily Noel (in the video) I actually love the first sight of the pan. The pan is the container that hold powder/cream/cake products. I love it when that silver (or whatever colour the pan is) peeks through when you’ve been using a product for a while. A feeling of accomplishment just fills my being.


What are your simple makeup joys?


Hope you guys enjoyed this post!

This is my 99th post and I have some exciting news for my 100th! Stay tuned!

A big thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey with FiercePaint!


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