Product Empties #7

Past product empties links; #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6.

This time around I have got makeup empties! 😀


IMG_4448This is an eyebrow pencil from Daiso that I featured in my Product Regrets post (here). All details are there. I actually finished using it because I was just playing around with it on my hands and somehow it just reached the end… 😛

IMG20150730010438I wouldn’t repurchase it, however, I am keeping it because there’s a spoolie on the other end.


IMG_4446This is the Essence Longlasting eye pencil in 01 (black fever). I have a review coming up soon on this. So stay tuned! I also finished it up because I used it to create this look on my friend.

IMG_20151202_171922I guess with the amount of black there (and 5 times over!), the pen was bound to run out.

IMG_4447This is the Silkygirl 20HR Perfect Stay Eyeliner in 01 (Blackest Black). I love this eyeliner and I have reviewed it already (here); all details are in that post. However, I am at my second pen and I have noticed something that I previously dismissed and updated my review. I did knock off a few points from my “Rating” for that reason. But I do love this eyeliner and like I’ve said, I already have a second pen!

IMG_4445I have reviewed this lip balm (here) and am a little on the fence with it. Repurchase? Not at the moment because I got a LOT of lip balms to try out and finish…

IMG_4444I loved how my nose felt after I stripped this pore pack off! However, I don’t really have blackheads problem so it seems a little unnecessary. I got this as a free gift with purchase. I may just buy a whole pack just for the sake of a facial treatment session.